Application of tissue engineering technology in orthopedic surgery 组织工程学技术在矫形外科中的应用
So elsewhere in the lab , robert mauck , an assistant professor of orthopedic surgery and bioengineering , is spinning webs 所以讲授骨科医学及生物工程的助理教授罗伯莫克正在实验室的其他地方织网。
As a part of the project of national “ 863 ” project “ the key technology of medical tele - robot and system development ” and national natural science foundation of china “ modeling and control scheme research of robot assisted orthopedic system ” , this paper intends to analyze the biomechanical characteristics of human leg in orthopedic surgery through developing a numeric human leg model , which provides a key means for surgical training and surgical rehearse . and this model can be used to improve operator ’ s learning curve and success ratio of the surgery 课题结合国家863计划项目“远程医疗机器人关键技术与系统研发”和国家自然科学基金项目“机器人辅助骨外科系统建模与控制方法研究” ,通过建立人体腿部的数字化模型来分析研究矫形外科手术中人体腿部的生物力学特性,从而为外科手术培训和手术预演的研究提供重要手段,以改进操作者的学习曲线,提高手术的成功率。
The organization pursues ahigher boundary the service , with world reshaping technologysynchronization , satisfies multitudinously likes to look good thepublic figure to the han type reshaping demand , strengthens the chinaand south korea in the orthopedic surgery aspect comprehensiveexchange and the broad cooperation , promotes the reshaping technologydevelopment is the primary intention together 机构以追求更高境界的服务,与世界整形技术同步,满足众多爱美人士对韩式整形的需求,加强中韩在整形外科方面的全面交流与广泛合作,共同促进整形技术的发展为主旨。